In today's environment spending wasted time can be detrimental to any business. The world is a competitive place, and everyone wants to increase their share of the pie. Many people spend time working, but don't spend that time effectively. In order to have a work life balance, entrepreneurs must make sacrifices in other areas of life. We love our businesses more than anything else on this planet, but there needs to be time spent reflecting. Reflection allows us to often times come up with our best ideas. Taking a break from work can help foster new ideas, and give us exposure to new opportunities. Make sure that when you body is telling you to take a break that you do. I have been working crazy hours recently, and missed four months of my life. Only until I got sick did I realize how much time had past by. Make sure to take a mental break from working on your business. This will ultimately help your mind look for creative new ways to operate your business.

The sooner we realize that our lives are short, the more we will get out of this life. If everyone was told at the start of our lives that we are dying, I believe more people would accomplish much greater things. It is only until its too late that we realize the decisions we made were not to the fullest. I read a great article recently about this topic. Entrepreneur magazine contributor, John Brubaker spoke about his life experiences. Please take a look at his article here. John talks about the hard truth that we must ask in order to achieve the life we want to live. Make sure that in everything that you do, you spend time going for your dreams. All too often we are told that we can't do something. Go ahead and attempt the impossible.

Make sure that you feel you are getting something out of this life. If your current work schedule doesn't allow you to enjoy the basic life necessities that YOU believe you deserve, then you might need to make a change in your daily routine. Forget everyone else's expectations and live out your dreams.
I hope that this helps. Enjoy your week.
Enterprise Warrior
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