Every entrepreneur, whether you are in technology or food needs to have good communication skills. In a world where we communicate online and use other technological devices, it's imperative that we work on improving our face-to-face interactions. Being personable and staying in the present moment will put you ahead of the pack.
Below I have posted a link that will describe some helpful skills.
3 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
Body Language -
It was up until recently where I discovered the importance of body language. Amy Cuddy gives an amazing Ted Talk about this incredible skill. I have posted the link to her talk below as well. She really helps us understand that it's the smallest details about us that communicate so much. If you have had a long day, and you don't want to speak with anyone it becomes immediately clear. It is part of our human nature that give us the ability to pick up on these vibes. If you are selling a service its extremely important that you are prepared, so that you will show relaxed body language. This will help you in many cases, and especially in your own life.

Your body language shapes who you are
^ Take the time to view the whole video!

As entrepreneurs, we are sometimes so concerned with making the sale that we forget how to be personable. It is more important to connect with someone than just jumping into your sales pitch. If you can connect with someone they will be more loyal to your business into the future. Sometimes you might want to step back and realize that the retailer/buyers are people just like YOU. They get pitched 100 new ideas each and every day. Next time you're about to walk into that meeting, be sure to try and get to know them like you would a friend.
You'll be amazed at how much further you get!
I hope this helps..
Enterprise Warrior
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